Fun_People Archive
18 Nov
Why They Do It

Date: Thu, 18 Nov 93 13:25:52 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: Why They Do It

 From: Rich Lague <>
"At the Smithsonian, a Homely Artifact."  Washington Post, 16 November, A19.

The American Chemical Society (described by Guy Gugliotta as a society
"composed of 145,000 Americans who mix things in a test tube for a living")
has designated the "bakelizer", the device used to create bakelite, the
first plastic, as the "First National Historic Chemical Landmark".  Love
Canal has been suggested as a future National Historic Chemical Landmark,
but Gugliotta says that "there is no reason to fear that companies will get
into serious pollution just to become a chemical landmark."

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []