Fun_People Archive
28 Nov
The Great Santa Search

Date: Sun, 28 Nov 93 18:50:36 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Great Santa Search

 From: The Elves <>


We're Santa's Elves and we need your help to get ready for a wired
Christmas.  On December 12, children on the Internet will be able to send
their messages to and he'll send back an authentic
Christmas greeting.  The mail address for Santa Claus will stay valid until
December 31.

Help us bring badly needed bytes into the lives of children all over the
world!  We're asking people on the Internet to send us in authentic
Christmas greetings, words of cheer that are appropriate for the holiday
season.  We'll use the messages received to compile the Santomatic Perl
Script, forming a database of Christmas Cheer to use in composing the
responses back to the net.

Help us lend a personal touch to these messages!  Together, we can form the
Great Santa Brigade, combining that personal touch with an on-line
Christmas.  Unlike the Postal Service, we'll write back!

We're particularly interested in messages from around the world, traditional
words of greeting, and any other messages appropriate to the occasion.  Try
and keep your messages under 20 lines and feel free to send in multiple


The Elves

Support for an on-line Santa is furnished by
the Internet Multicasting Service.

[Do you suppose this is going to be the ol' markov chain trick?  A statistical
phrase generator based entirely on the messages received, without human
intervention?  Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  Naaaah...  -psl]

[=] © 1993 Peter Langston []