Fun_People Archive
4 Mar
The metaphor that wouldn't die

Date: Fri,  4 Mar 94 14:56:02 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: The metaphor that wouldn't die

[Wouldn't die?!!  I'm afraid that this metaphor is still in its infancy,
 even if it has already eaten Chicago and met Bambi...  -psl]

Forwarded-by: bostic@vangogh.CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
From: ramon@MITL.Research.Panasonic.COM (Ramon Caceres)

Below is a selection of recent newspaper and magazine
headlines, courtesy of the CPSR/Berkeley Newsletter:

	Lost on the information highway
	(Washington Post, Dec. 16, 1993)

	Roadkill on the information highway
	(Washington Post, Dec. 6, 1993)

	Traffic jams already on the information highway
	(New York Times, Nov. 3, 1993)

	US West-Time Warner deal could put a pothole in the
	information highway (Washington Post, May 21, 1993)

	Looking for a road map to the data highway
	(Washington Post, April 5, 1993)

	Building the on ramp to the electronic highway
	(Time, May 31, 1993)

	Hitting the brakes on the data highway
	(Business Week, Sept. 27, 1993)

I'm afraid we're going to see a lot more of these.
For instance, I think the following are inevitable:

	Toll booths coming to the information highway.
	Car pool lanes proposed for the information highway.
	Rubbernecking delays plague the information highway.

[=] © 1994 Peter Langston []