Fun_People Archive
21 Nov
University News

Date: Mon, 21 Nov 94 13:01:02 PST
To: Fun_People
Subject: University News

Forwarded-by: Claude Ginsburg <>
From: Mark Singer <>

In July, ex-student Jason Wilkins sued the University of Iowa for $940,000
to pay for injuries he suffered when he fell through a third-story dormitory
window while mooning students.  Wilkins had climbed onto a three foot high
heater to reach the window, but he claimed the university should have posted

Among course selections at Oregon State University's Food Science and
Technology department is a one-credit class, "The Maraschino Cherry."  The
lecturers included two retired professors who returned especially to talk on
the history of the maraschino cherry, which was developed at OSU.  Said
course professor Ron Wrolstad "I think the students were just awed to have
these professors there."

[=] © 1994 Peter Langston []