Fun_People Archive
21 Apr
Dr. Henry Foster

Date: Fri, 21 Apr 95 13:58:40 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Dr. Henry Foster

    He's no Dr. Elders (unfortunately) but his nomination seems to be getting
the political football treatment, and for some pretty idiotic reasons.  Planned
Parenthood and People for the American Way have put together a WWW homepage
that they're calling the "first national lobbying effort on the information
superhighway on behalf of a presidential nominee."  Quite the historic moment. 
If you'd like to peruse the homepage and all the related documentation they've
collected, it's:
These pages contain a lot of information, including a list of five actions you
can take in support of Dr. Foster.  The actions range from simple (email to
Congress) to involved (appointments with Senators).  One of the easier actions
is to add your name to an "electronic petition."  Doing so will get you on a
related mailing list, because they say: "You will receive updates about Dr.
Foster's nomination."
    If you don't have access to WWW, you can still sign the petition (and
thereby get updates) and send any message of support you wish, by sending email to:

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []