Fun_People Archive
27 Jun
The Townie's Dilemma

Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 17:52:43 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Townie's Dilemma

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From: _Quakers Are Funny!_ by Chuck Fager, Kimo Press, 1987:

     One World War II Quaker conscientious objector had been a
professional wrestler.  Once when he and some other inmates of the
Coshocton CPS camp in Ohio made a trip into town, they were hassled
about their pacifism by some local youths, who insisted that only
force could change the German's views.

     In response, the ex-wrestler took off his coat, challenged one of
the local boys to a match, and promptly threw the townie across the
room.  He then asked the youth, "*Now* do you believe that force won't
change people's views?" ...

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []