Fun_People Archive
11 Jul
On the other hand, Leslie seems to understand irony pretty well.

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 18:17:27 PDT
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: On the other hand, Leslie seems to understand irony pretty well.

Forwarded-by: bostic@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: (Quote of the day)
Forwarded-by: John Breakwell <>

	Irony is not something that we Americans do well.

		- Leslie Moonves, president of Warner Brothers Television, on
		excising the sex, drugs and expletives from the British show
		"Absolutely Fabulous" for the US market.

[Fortunately, this program airs on Canadian television uncut and hilarious.
	- Ed.]

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []