Fun_People Archive
19 Jul
WhiteBoardness July 19, 1995

Date: Wed, 19 Jul 95 19:44:19 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness July 19, 1995

Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for July 19, 1995

"Ed was in show business two weeks when they changed
his name and castrated him.  Happens to many of us."

Alan Young, 75, "Wilbur" from the "Mr. Ed" show, on his
horse-is-a-horse-of-course-of-course co-star, a golden
palomino who hoofed along as Bamboo Harvester before
television gave him something to talk about.

"'Nine Months' earned $12 million over the weekend.
That's pretty good when you consider the promotion only
cost 60 bucks."

NBC's Conan O'Brien, on Hugh Grant's new movie.

40 people  stomped on the lake floor of Spirit Lake in
Idaho to keep it from drying up.  Organizers of the
"Wade to Save Our Lake" campaign hope that tamping down
silt on the lake bottom could seal cracks.

A new theme park has opened in Pinyu, China, featuring
2 million snakes. can eat some of them at a
restaurant on the park grounds.

Snelling Personnel Services keeps track of resume
bloopers including classics such as "My career
objection is..." and "skilled in proolreading."

After years of searching, botanists in New Zealand
found an orchid believed to be extinct.  It was lying
flattened under a groundsheet when they took down their

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []