Fun_People Archive
11 Dec
WhiteBoardness - 12/11/95

Date: Mon, 11 Dec 95 17:14:48 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 12/11/95

Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for December 11, 1995

"I say, 'It's a Buttmaster, Your Holiness.'"

Suzanne Somers, actress, on how she would introduce the
Pope to her new flab-fighting apparatus.

[Celibrate?  -psl]

"If it is an extra large, it is a felony.  If it is a small, it is a

Representative Barney Frank, (D-Mass.), making light of the debate on
regulating gift-giving to members of Congress when the argument got down to
whether it would be proper to accept T-shirts from constituents.

Madison County (Indiana) Judge George Pancol successfully petitioned to
change his birthday by one day, to January 1, 1927, which will allow him to
seek reelection in 1996.  According to state law, a person can't run for
county judge if he is age 70 before he begins his term in office.

A Wisconsin pilot whose small plane was about to crash saved his life by
putting on his foam rubber "cheesehead" that he worn to Green Bay Packers

The athletic director of the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution
has set down these rules:  "No pole vaulting, no cross-country running, and
no away-games."

[=] © 1995 Peter Langston []