Fun_People Archive
12 Jan
JOTD - The Great Gonzo

Date: Fri, 12 Jan 96 22:37:36 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: JOTD - The Great Gonzo

Forwarded-by: (Keith Bostic)
Forwarded-by: (Paul Brown)

    It's 1946 and they're on their Honeymoon in the Big Apple. Walking down
42nd Street they saw a sign advertising "The Great Gonzo" outside a theater
and decided to give the show a try.
    So into the theater they went. There was a big fanfare and a young man
dressed only in a bathrobe strode out on stage. He opened his robe to
reveal the biggest and hardest erection imaginable. Then he clapped his hands
and a young woman emerged pushing a cart bearing three walnuts. The Great
Gonzo took his erect member in his hand and, one by one, smashed the walnuts
to the thunderous applause of the audience.
    This year the couple decided to celebrate their 50th anniversary with
a second honeymoon in New York City. While walking down 42nd Street they
once again saw the same sign advertising The Great Gonzo. With a pang of
nostalgia they decided to see the show again. Once they were in the theater
the fanfare played and Gonzo, now an old man, appeared in his bathrobe. He
opened the robe and there was the erection, as big and hard as ever.
    This time when he clapped his hands, his now-aged assistant appeared
with a cart bearing three coconuts. To thunderous applause, he used his
member to smash each of them.
    The couple couldn't resist going up to talk to Gonzo after the show.
They explained that they had seem him 50 years earlier.
    "But why," they asked, "did you switch from walnuts to coconuts?"
    "Well," he replied, "I'm getting kinda old, you know, and my eyes just
aren't what they used to be..."

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