Fun_People Archive
21 Mar
Watch your language! (Once more around the block, please)

Date: Thu, 21 Mar 96 13:52:04 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Watch your language!  (Once more around the block, please)

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Forwarded-by:: Geoffrey Skinner <>
Subject: Random thoughts (brains aren't equipment), sent by a process which is

On Wed, 20 Mar 1996 09:27:45 -0500 (EST)
   "Brian P. Kunde" <> wrote:

Why is a drawer of clothes a cabinet but a drawer of water a person?
A cabinet can belong to a person, and a person can belong to a
cabinet, but a cabinet can't be part of a person, and a person can
be part of a cabinet.  Yet an executive is a person, and the Cabinet
is Definitely part of the Executive, who is not part of the Cabinet,
although it does belong to him.  There are executive orders, but you
can't order executives.  Can one order if one's orders are not in
order.  Is that out-of-order?  Can one be out of order without being
disorderly?  That would be neat!

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