Fun_People Archive
4 Apr
Still Hope For Unabom Suspect

Date: Thu, 4 Apr 96 19:26:01 -0800
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: Still Hope For Unabom Suspect


Despite the hourly release by the FBI of evidence tying Unabom suspect/
Harvard screwup Theodore Kaczynski to a 17 year spree of deadly bombings,
the suspect's newly formed defense team is confident that he will ultimately
be acquitted of all charges, provided only that a single defense request is
granted: a change of venue.

Speaking under condition of anonymity, a defense spokesperson conceded that
the FBI's case so far looked highly prejudicial to their client, painting
as it does a pattern of highly compelling evidence including:

- Resistance by the suspect on apprehension
- A substantial and growing body of physical evidence found at his residence
- Incriminating information submitted by family members
- An extremely close fit to an "offenders profile", and
- DNA evidence expected momentarily to link the suspect to evidence found at
crime scenes

"We'll admit it looks bad for our client right now, but if we're successful
in our request to move the proceedings to our venue of choice, we're
confident we'll prevail", the spokesperson maintained. "Given the evidence
found so far, there's not a jury in LA who'd convict him."

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