Fun_People Archive
12 Apr
The Comics du Jour - 4/12/96

Date: Fri, 12 Apr 96 01:36:28 -0700
From: Peter Langston <psl>
To: Fun_People
Subject: The Comics du Jour - 4/12/96

Excerpted-from: Shoptalk <>

"Massimo Troisi [died] shortly after filming 'Il Postino.'
Why can't Sylvester Stallone make this sort of commitment?"
		- David Spade on Saturday Night Live

Marlon Brando brought wrath on himself by telling Larry King that Jews own
Hollywood and are responsible for negative stereotypes.  Says Argus
Hamilton, "Sure, it was a stupid thing to say.  But for dramatic retirement
speeches, it ranks right up there with MacArthur's."

Adds Jay Leno, "This morning Marlon woke up with a big gefilte fish on his

For people still obsessing over who wrote the political best-seller "Primary
Colors," Jenny Church says there is a new support group: Anonymous

She adds, "Dan Quayle is planning a book to be called 'Primary Coloring.'"

In sports, the Lakers' Nick Van Exel was ejected for hitting an official
and Mike Tyson was accused of sexual battery by a woman in a Chicago bar.
Says Alex Kaseberg, "Remember the good old days when the boxers hit people
and basketball players were always trying to score?"

Bombers away:  "The suspected Unabomber is finding out jail is hell," says
Morty Wright.  "Toilets, running water, color TV..."

"He says his favorite channel is TNT."  (Cutler Daily Scoop)

"His defense?  He suffers from mad Ka-Pow! Disease." (Cutler)

"If I were his brother, I wouldn't even open my e-mail for a while."


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