Fun_People Archive
22 Apr
From The Seattle Times - 4/13 & 4/20

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 22 Apr 96 13:36:25 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: From The Seattle Times - 4/13 & 4/20

Forwarded-by: (KEITH E SULLIVAN)
From: The Seattle Times, Saturday, April 13, 1996.
Compiled-by: Ivan Weiss

News We Just Couldn't Pass Up

A Norwegian sky diver's leg was severed at the knee in midair during a
20-person jump over Florida, sending nearly 100 volunteers on a grim and
futile search for his foot and lower leg.

A German Advertising Council said a man had objected to an ad for
nightclothes that showed a woman looking down a man's underpants.  The
complainant said this reduced the man to the contents of his underwear.

After 24 years searching for Santa Claus, the Italian post office has
admitted defeat.  A letter written by a 6-year-old to Father Christmas in
1971 was returned to her mother's house in Sardinia with the words
"Addressee unknown" on the envelope.

A New Zealand farm dog, which previously had been death on rodents, adopted
an orphaned litter of baby rabbits and even started producing milk to feed

From: The Seattle Times, Saturday, April 20, 1996.
Compiled-by: Lynn Mucken.

News We Just Couldn't Pass Up

The One Stop Food Store in Southgate, Mich., has sold the top winning ticket
in two lottery drawings.  Neither -- one worth $3.6 million and the other
worth $100,000 -- was ever collected.

Postal workers in Sri Lanka are threatening to strike unless they get new
tires for the bicycles they use for deliveries.

In the Czech Republic, a man has been sentenced to 11 1/2 years for
murdering a neighbor who ate the man's dog.

The largest liquor-store chain in the Netherlands is promoting its wares by
using a computer-generated photo of Russian President Boris Yeltsin toting
bulging bags of vodka.

Operators of a bowling alley in Greenfield, Wis., didn't expect anyone to
take them up on their "bowl naked, bowl free" offer, but police were
summoned when a 20-year-old man stripped to shoes and hat for a half- hour.

The Czech Constitutional Court has ruled that individual towns have no right
to close beer halls early.

Store video tape in Buffalo, N.Y., shows police -- on two separate burglary
calls the same night -- pigging out on the store's junk food instead of
investigating the crime.

A 65-year-old woman in Pilot, N.C., claims she hopped in her bathtub and
rode to safety in the nearby woods as a tornado destroyed her home.

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