Fun_People Archive
29 Apr
WhiteBoardness - 4/29/96

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 96 19:43:32 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 4/29/96

[Do you know the secret of Monkey Island?  -psl]

Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for Monday, April 29, 1996


Key West, Florida:

A golden retriever named Coconut Harry was lost at sea, but he emerged from
his ordeal days later -- 15 pounds thinner, his coat matted with algae and
sponges clinging to his tail.

"It's a miracle.  I can't believe it," owner Naomi Simonelli said Thursday.
"I was devastated.  I thought he had drowned."

High winds swept Harry off Simonelli's boat April 14, but he swam five miles
in strong currents.

He finally reached Monkey Island, and workers there returned him to
Simonelli eight days after he vanished.  Scientists on the small island
conduct primate research.

Harry was dehydrated.  Simonelli said the monkey crew "tried to give him
their lunches -- meatball sandwiches and all that.  But he was drinking
coffee out of their Thermos."

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