Fun_People Archive
9 May
ULOTD - No, I said "PeaNUTS" (Urban Legend O' The Day)

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu,  9 May 96 20:45:52 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: ULOTD - No, I said "PeaNUTS"  (Urban Legend O' The Day)

Forwarded-by: Keith Bostic <>
Forwarded-by: (Peter M. Jansson)
Forwarded-by: Keyes_Stuart/

A true story told by my neice, who is a first-year resident at a hospital
in Atlanta. It goes like this:

While my neice was working in Urology, a patient came in complaining of
abdominal pains, pain when urinating, and a "generally slow stream." After
a variety of other tests proved inconclusive, an ultrasound was performed.
To everyone's amazement, the image on the screen showed several small
objects in the young man's bladder. Upon further investigation, it was
discovered that these "objects" were in fact peanuts. When informed of the
discovery by my neice, the young man -- with a mixture of embarassment and
surprise -- remarked: "My old girlfriend liked to play a game she called
"feed the elephant," but I ever really knew what she meant; I was usually
pretty drunk at the time."

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