Fun_People Archive
11 Jul
WhiteBoardness - 7/10/96

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 96 02:50:35 -0700
To: Fun_People
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 7/10/96

Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for Wednesday, July 10, 1996

Ames, Iowa:

Grant Wood's famous painting of a stoic farmer and a sour-faced woman,
"American Gothic," is coming to the Iowa State Fair -- in butter.

Norma "Duffy" Lyon, dubbed the Butter Lady, will recreate the most famous
work of Iowa's most famous artist to celebrate the state's 150th birthday.

"I like to do some things that are artsy and a challenge," Lyon said.  The
sculpting will take 300 pounds of unsalted butter.

Lyon, who will turn 67 before the fair opens August 8, will also mold her
signature work -- a cow.  The model for her 37th year at the fair is a
milking shorthorn.

Lyon's butter art has appeared at fairs and exhibits across the country.
A few years ago in Kansas, she molded a butter version of Dwight and Mamie
Eisenhower to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the late president's birth.
Another special project was country singer Garth Brooks.

What might she do next?  "Well, there's always 'The Last Supper.'" she said.

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