Fun_People Archive
5 Mar
Common Phrases Redefined (Update)

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed,  5 Mar 97 12:30:29 -0800
To: Fun_People
Subject: Common Phrases Redefined (Update)
References: <>

[This is an update on New York Magazine's hilarious competition (see
<>).  But for me,
the new ones only point up how good the originals are ...  -psl]

[UPDATE: The Fun_People archive moved in September 1998 to:
	<>  -psl]

Forwarded-by: Craig Harris <>
Forwarded-by: Bob Dale <>
Forwarded-by: Martha Luehrmann

Tom Roos just sent me the original New York Magazine list of common
phrases redefined, along with a new one.  So this is an opportune time to
send out the entire list.  If you come up with any new ones, please send
them to me at

                     Common Phrases Redefined

The first group are from the New York magazine competition where they
asked competitors to change one letter in a familiar non-English phrase
and redefine it.  Several of us have tacked on additional phrases at the

Harlez-vous francais?
     (Can you drive a French motorcycle?)

Ex post fucto
     (Lost in the mail)

Idios amigos
     (We're wild and crazy guys!)

Veni, VIPi, Vici
     (I came; I'm a very important person; I conquered)

J'y suis, J'y pestes
     (I can stay for the weekend)

Cogito Eggo sum
     (I think; therefore, I am a waffle)

Rigor Morris
     (The cat is dead)

Respondez s'il vous plaid
     (Honk if you're Scots)

Que sera, serf
     (Life is feudal)

Le roi est mort. Jive le roi
     (The King is dead.  No kidding.)

Posh mortem
     (Death styles of the rich and famous)

Pro Bozo publico
     (Support your local clown)

Monage a trois
     (I am three years old)

Felix navidad
     (Our cat has a boat)

Haste cuisine
     (Fast French food)

Veni, vidi, vice
     (I came, I saw, I partied)

Quip pro quo
     (A fast retort)

Aloha oy!
     (Love; greetings; farewell; from such a pain you should never know)

Mazel ton!
     (Lots of luck)

Apres Moe, le deluge
     (Larry and Curly get wet)

     (Sacramental wine)

Iic liebe rich
     (I'm really crazy about having dough)

Fui generis
     (What's mine is mine)

VISA la France
     (Don't leave chateau without it)

Ca va sans dirt
     (And that's not gossip)

Merci rien
     (Thanks for nothin')

Amicus puriae
     (Platonic friend)

L'etat, c'est moo
     (I'm bossy around here)

L'etat, c'est Moe
     (All the world's a stooge)

               New York Magazine
>From Martha Luehrmann (1995)

Magma cum laude
     (Wow, that volcano is loud)

Yumma cum laude
     (Lip smacking good)

In fragrante delicto
     (I love that perfume you're wearing)

In fragrant delicious
     (caught in the act)

Foie de vivre
     (Mickey Mantle's and David Crosby's liver transplants)

Guten organ
     (they received good livers)

Guten bag
     (nice purse)

     (sauce with mayonnaise)

     (look at the fish)

>From Trice Bryan (1995)

Bone appetit
     (Fido shares dinner with Jeffrey Dahlmer)

Chili con carnel
     (hot romance)

Plus ca charge
     (My VISA is maxed out)

Hara Kirin
     (have a beer)

Phri Beta Kappa
     (saute the second in command)
     (saute the big fish)

Carpe diet
     (I really want a hot fudge sundae but I can't afford the calories)

Pardonez moist
     (Absolution by total immersion)

Ich bin ein Bedliner
     (Kennedy slept around)

>From Gregg Kyle (1995)

Que sera, Sara.
     (A question commonly asked of Sara at the 1 900 psychic line)

Que Sara, sera.
     (Which Sara Lee cake should I choose today)

Et tu Brut's
     (Would you like Champagne?)

Que Lastime
     (A tired lovers retort to an amorous lovers advances)

>From Tom Roos (3/4/97)

Cogito, ergo spud
     (I think, therefore I Yam)

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