Fun_People Archive
12 Feb
The Comedian's-eye View of Friday, 2/13/98

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 98 19:06:28 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of Friday, 2/13/98

                         Friday February 13, 1998

   "Let's not forget the real message of the Winter Games: It's not a sport
    if an American can't win it."
			- Jim Mullen, on events in Nagano


Saddam Hussein, upset at his country's lack of showing at the Olympics,
predicted this week that Iraq would indeed pull off a medal sweep in the
'Flaming Flag Stomp.' (Ken Roberts, KVOA-TV/KLPX Radio).

Starr Treatment: Oscar nominations were announced this week.  "Well,
actually, they weren't 'announced.'  They were leaked to the press by
Kenneth Starr." (Conan O'Brien)

Oscar II: The movie "Titanic" received 14 nominations.  "That's 15 more than
'The Postman.'"(Steve Voldseth)

Brentwood Buddies: OJ Simpson drove by Monica Lewinsky's house the other
day and talked to the press.  "Monica, stay away from OJ.  If you think
Linda Tripp stabbed you in the back." (Jay Leno)

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