Fun_People Archive
22 Sep
WhiteBoardness - 9/21/98

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 98 10:10:58 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: WhiteBoardness - 9/21/98

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
From: Joseph Harper <>
Excerpted-from: WhiteBoard News for Monday, September 21, 1998

Madison, Wisconsin:

There are those in the state of Wisconsin - America's Dairyland - who are
mighty bothered about cow gas. Yep, cow gas.

A television ad for U.S. Rep. Mark Neumann, a Republican running for U.S.
Senate, has made it a campaign issue. In his ad featuring the noises of cow
flatulence, Neumann attacks incumbent Democratic Sen.  Russ Feingold for
supporting a government-funded study on the subject.

"This smelled like government waste to me so I wrote a bill that killed the
funding of this ridiculous program," Neumann says. "Feingold doesn't get

Feingold's campaign manager, Mike Wittenwyler, responded Wednesday that for
Neumann "to imply that Senator Feingold supports this obscure cow gas study
is `udderly' ridiculous."

Wittenwyler said Feingold did vote against legislation that would've cut
funding for such a study, but because of what else was in the amendment.

Scientists have studied how cows and other cud-chewing animals digest their
feed because methane gas is produced during digestion that the cows emit by
belching. The methane produced by more than a billion cattle around the
world is said to be a factor in the Earth-warming greenhouse effect.


Shanghai, China:

Enterprising gas stations in western China have taken service to new heights
by offering sex with a tank of gasoline.

Some of the more than 1,000 filling stations in the region of Ningxia have
been luring motorists with the services of a prostitute along with petrol
and diesel oil, an industry publication said.

"Sometimes there is no clear dividing line whether the customers come for
gas or sex, but the sex service is based on the condition that you have to
buy petrol first," said China OGP, which is published by the official Xinhua
news agency.

"The term no money, no honey has changed into no petrol, no honey," it said.

Other "corruptive tricks" used by gas stations to entice customers include
the offering of gold necklaces, television sets and mobile phones for
filling up, the newsletter said without elaborating.

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