Fun_People Archive
5 Feb
"Trojan Horse" Computer Virus Infects Humans!

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri,  5 Feb 99 11:03:46 -0800
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: "Trojan Horse" Computer Virus Infects Humans!

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Forwarded-by: "Andrew C. Bul+hac?k" <>
From: the Weekly World News, that Onion for trailer-park dwellers...)

 CHICAGO, ILL. -- Concerned scientists say the dreaded "Trojan Horse"
 computer virus has made the jump to humans -- and the brain-eating bug may
 soon be sweeping through America, claiming even more human lives than the
 AIDS epidemic!

 An unidentified 38-year-old man known only as Patient Zero has been
 diagnosed with the virus that had been heretofore found only in PCs.

 "We've been dreading this day," said noted virologist Dr. Frederick
 Attingale who made the terrifying diagnosis. "We knew it was only a matter
 of time. That's how these things work.

 "At some point, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome -- AIDS -- made the
 jump from monkeys to man. Now, in a similar way, the Trojan Horse virus
 has worked its way into the human population. Both viral transmissions were
 bound to happen sooner or later."

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