Fun_People Archive
16 Aug
The Comedian's-eye View of 08/17/99

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Mon, 16 Aug 99 20:47:21 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Comedian's-eye View of 08/17/99

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649
Excerpted-from: 08/17/99 -- ShopTalk

                        Tuesday August 17, 1999

 "How many tech support people does it take to change a light bulb?
  None. They're all in the dark."
					- Anonymous

Republicans held their Iowa straw vote over the weekend.  Dan Quayle's poor
showing doesn't deter him.  As he says, "In a real election, straw can't
vote." (Alan Ray)

Newt Gingrich has left his wife for a young aide.  He'd like to clarify his
position.   When he talks about family values, he's referring to the Hefner
family. (Ray)

Hillary Clinton, househunting in New York, would do well to heed the advice
given newly hired news directors: "Rent, don't buy." (Merv Block)

Oh, boy, embarrassing moment this weekend at the Iowa presidential straw
poll.  George W. Bush showed up with one in his nose. (Steve Voldseth)

The Republican party says it will attempt to raise one million dollars each
from a thousand donors and take the country private. (Feldman)

"Former Surgeon General Jocelyn Elders turned 66 on Friday. She celebrated
alone." (Zack Taylor - Westwood One Radio Network)

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