Fun_People Archive
28 Sep
The Governor's Suite?

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 99 10:37:16 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: The Governor's Suite?

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649  -=[ Fun_People ]=-
Forwarded-by: Nev Dull <>
Excerpted: 09/27/99 -- ShopTalk
Forwarded-by: Samer Farha <ShopTalk@FARHA.COM>

Gov. Jesse Ventura is threatening a legal tussle with the Nevada brothel
that is capitalizing on his self-described visit there decades ago, and the
establishment's owner isn't giving in. "He used our name in his book to
sensationalize it," Dennis Hof, owner of the Moonlight Bunny Ranch in Carson
City, Nev., said Thursday. "He's made a big mistake. I'm not going to say,
'Oh, I'm sorry, Jesse.' " Last week, Ventura's attorney wrote to Hof
demanding he quit using the governor's name in advertising for the ranch.
In addition to producing brochures with a fabricated quote from Ventura --
"I had sex at the Moonlight" -- Hof has named a bedroom suite in the
governor's honor.  Hof said his only concessions would be to use only direct
quotes from Ventura in the future and to rename the ranch's featured bedroom
"The Governor's Suite." It will still be adorned with Ventura memorabilia
and "a wrestling ring to have sex in," he said.  Ventura declined to comment
last month when Hof announced plans for the "Jesse (The Body) Ventura
Suite." Hof's doing all he can to publicize Ventura's visit to the Moonlight
as a Navy SEAL in 1970, including efforts to put the prostitute whom Ventura
visited on the talk-show circuit and in tabloids. "I've got her name," Hof
said.  "Unless he calls and apologizes, I'm going to find her and take her
right to New York and do Howard Stern. The Enquirer and Globe are offering
big money, too." According to Ventura's autobiography, "I Ain't Got Time to
Bleed," he and a Navy friend went to the Starlight and Moonlight ranches
shortly before they were to be shipped overseas. In an oft-repeated story
from the book, one prostitute exchanged her services and $10 for a belt
Ventura was wearing made of machine-gun shell casings. He boasted in the
book of being one of the few ranch patrons to receive money instead of
spending it.  (Minneapolis Star-Tribune)

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