Fun_People Archive
15 Oct
Tell the government to stay out of your uterus with just 8 clicks!

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Fri, 15 Oct 99 17:21:45 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: Tell the government to stay out of your uterus with just 8 clicks!
References: <>

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649  -=[ Fun_People ]=-
Forwarded-by: "m.b.komor" <>

Take a stand on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1999 (S. 1692)

This act will take away more of the choices that women have over their own
bodies. It's easy to tell Washington what you think about the act. And it
doesn't cost a penny.

Just follow the easy steps below:
1) Open this URL with your web browser:
2) In the web page, click on the link "Send a free FAX to your U.S. Senators"
3) In the next web page, fill out the form with your name and address. Click
   on "click" button. The program will determine who your senator is for you;
   you don't even have to know his/her name or address!
4) In the next web page, select which representatives you wish to notify and
   how. Then click on the button "Send message".
5) Repeat steps 1-4. This time in step 2, click on the link "Send a free FAX
   to your U.S. Representatives"

That's it. Eight clicks (or so) and you have notified all your people in DC  
how you feel about the ban.

For more info on S.1692, please read on.

(The fax program provided by the folks who care at ACLU.)

> TO: All men and woman who believe that all women should have a choice.
> FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
> DT: October 14, 1999
> Next week, the Senate plans to reopen the perennial issue of
> so-called
> "partial-birth abortion."  Introduced by Sen. Rick Santorum, "The
> Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1999" (S. 1692) would put
> women's health
> and lives at risk and violate their constitutional right to
> reproductive
> choice.
> Proponents of S. 1692, once again, are attempting to ban so called
> "partial-birth abortions" despite the fact that similar bans
> have been
> enjoined or their enforcement strictly limited in 19 states.
> Because the
> ban is not limited to any stage of pregnancy and is so
> broadly worded, S.
> 1692 reaches the safest and most common abortion procedures
> used throughout
> pregnancy.
> The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American
> Medical Women's Association, and the American Nurses
> Association all oppose
> this bill. "The Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1999" is
> dangerous law
> because it violates a woman's constitutional right to choose
> and because it
> would subject physicians to arbitrary enforcement under
> unclear standards.
> For these reasons and more, it should not be passed by the Senate.
> Act Now!  You can find out more and send a FREE FAX to your
> Senators from
> our action alert at:

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