Fun_People Archive
17 May
LIT BITS V3 #138

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From: Peter Langston <psl>
Date: Wed, 17 May 100 17:27:04 -0700
To: Fun_People
Precedence: bulk
Subject: LIT BITS V3 #138

X-Lib-of-Cong-ISSN: 1098-7649  -=[ Fun_People ]=-
Excerpted-from: LITERARY CALENDAR V3 #138
LITERARY CALENDAR        Thursday, May 18 2000        Volume 03 : Number 138

Today is Thursday, 18 May 2000; on this day,

407 years ago (1593),

	Though no accurate documentation remains, it is thought that a
     warrant is issued on this day for the arrest of Christopher Marlowe,
     accused of heresy by his ex-roommate, Thomas Kyd, in an effort to save
     his own neck.

["'Listen, Kyd' he said.  That was his name, you see..."  -Michael Flanders,  
from "At the Drop of a Hat"]

148 years ago (1852),

	Isaac Leib Peretz, prolific writer of poems, short stories, drama,
     humorous sketches, and satire, is born in Zamosc, Poland.  His work
     will be instrumental in raising the standard of Yiddish literature.

128 years ago (1872),

	Mathematician and philosopher Bertrand (Arthur William) Russell is
     born in Trelleck, Wales.

Today's poem:

            The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

     Come liue with mee and be my loue,
     And we will all pleasures proue,
     That hills and valleys, dales and fields
     And all the craggy mountain yeeldes.

     There we will sit vpon the Rocks,
     And see the sheepheards feede theyr flocks
     By shallow riuers, to whose falls
     Melodious byrds sing Madrigalls.

     And I will make thee beds of Roses,
     And a thousand fragrant poesies,
     A cap of flowers, and a kirtle,
     Imbroydered all with leaues of Mirtle.

     A gowne made of the finest wooll,
     Which from our pretty Lambes we pull,
     Fayre lined slippers for the cold,
     With buckles of the purest gold.

     A belt of straw, and Iuie buds,
     With Corall clasps and Amber studs,
     And if these pleasures may thee moue,
     Come liue with mee, and be my loue.
     The sheepheard swains shall daunce and sing,
     For thy delight each May-morning.
     If these delights thy minde may moue,
     Then liue with mee, and be my loue.

                                         Christopher Marlowe

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